All-in-one climate solution for sustainable business

Identify, measure, and manage the carbon footprint of your activity and that of your Scope 3.

Act in favor of responsible trade: engage your suppliers, set realistic reduction targets, and identify opportunities!

Benefit from a subsidy for your carbon footprint!

Get your carbon footprint financed through the Diag Décarbon'action scheme (BPI, ADEME).

Sami can help you with all the steps involved.

Take advantage of dual expertise in software and consulting

Simplify the measurement of your activity and those of your suppliers

85% of a retail company's emissions come from its Scope 3: we systematically integrate it into the measurement of your balance sheet.

With Sami, identify and measure the carbon footprint of your activity and those of your value chain.

Data collectors adapted to your activity: purchases, freight, digital, etc.

A complete supplier questionnaire to effectively measure your Scope 3

Emission analysis at the company level or by product reference

Manage your emissions and achieve your reduction targets

Manage your emissions and achieve your reduction targetsView all your emission posts and emissions from your value chains.

Then define objectives and reduction trajectories based on your different posts.

Benchmark to compare your different emission posts to the average of retail businesses

Definition of your reduction objectives globally by scope, or by emission post

Dynamic visualization of your reduction trajectories and SBTi objectives

Discover the carbon footprint of a
retail company

Immerse yourself in Sami's expertise through this anonymised review of a retail company.

The best climate and retail expertise to serve your ambitions

Guillaume Colin
Head of Climate Expertise

Passionate about carbon accounting, Guillaume co-created the Plan Carbone Général, the carbon accounting wiki now run by the ABC and ADEME.

Vanessa Pasquet
Head of Consulting Services

Vanessa has more than 14 years' experience in environmental strategy consulting with major consultancies such as Quantis.

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Partner firm

Passionate about carbon accounting, Guillaume co-created the General Carbon Plan, the carbon accounting wiki now managed by ABC and ADEME.

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Partner firm

Vanessa has more than 14 years of experience in environmental strategy consulting with major consulting firms such as Quantis in particular.

Our aim: to provide you with the best expertise for your environmental projects

Our goal: to provide you with the best expertise for your environmental projects : carbon footprint, life cycle analysis, definition of your climate action plan...

Carbon footprint support

Carrying out carbon or multi-criteria LCAs

Defining and implementing a climate strategy

Let's talk about your
environmental issues!

Read more

To go further

Environmental labelling will introduce an environmental score for the products sold. What sectors, when, how? We tell you all about the subject!
An exclusive webinar with ADEME in charge of the deployment of environmental labelling. Testimonial from two companies that have already implemented it on their products.
How did Monsieur Tshirt call on Sami to quantify and understand its climate impact, in order to then reduce it effectively.