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Aggregated and enriched databases

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FE number:
The AIB manages and promotes the use of energy attribute certificates to monitor the production and consumption of renewable energy in Europe, and it produces the European Residual Mix Report including data on the energy mix and greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity generation in each European country.
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Agribalyse is the reference EF base for the agri-food sector in France, and which supports the deployment of environmental labelling. It contains EFs for a range of finished food products, as well as raw, organic and conventional agricultural products.
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DEFRA/BEIS is the English equivalent of ADEME. The British government publishes EFs of emissions that are used by British and international organizations to report on greenhouse gas emissions. It is a very broad and multi-sectoral base of EFs valid in the United Kingdom and Europe.
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Base Impacts

FE number:
The IMPACTS® Base brings together, according to precise indicators, data on the environmental impact of everything that allows the production and consumption of a finished product: electricity, heat, steel, textiles, plastics, transport, components for electrical and electronic equipment, etc. for the main consumer products sold in France.
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Base carbone

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ADEME (Agency for Ecological Transition) offers a wide range of EFs to support the measurement and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in France. These FEs make it possible to estimate greenhouse gas emissions related to various activities, such as energy consumption and transport.
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Climate Trace

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Climate TRACE (Tracking Real-Time Atmospheric Carbon Emissions) is a collaborative initiative to ensure accurate and real-time tracking of global greenhouse gas emissions using artificial intelligence, satellite image processing, and other remote sensing technologies, as well as academic research and publicly available data.
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Cloud Carbon Footprint

FE number:
Cloud Carbon Footprint (CCF) is an open and free tool for measuring and analyzing emissions related to digital technology and the uses of the Cloud. It provides emission factors and a methodology for specifically measuring emissions from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
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EEA Passenger Cars

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EEA Passenger Cars is a database listing the CO2 emissions of vehicles registered in Europe, in compliance with the WLTP standard, offering a detailed breakdown by model and brand. This database provides an accurate overview of the environmental performance of individual cars, making it easier to compare and assess their impact on the environment.
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Ecoinvent is a comprehensive database on the life cycle of products and services, offering detailed information on their environmental impacts, thus facilitating the assessment of their ecological footprint.
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EXIOBASE is the result of European work to consolidate multiregional input-output data by sector, obtained by estimating emissions and resource extractions by industry. It provides average EFs by industry for around 50 regions and over 100 business sectors.
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GES 1Point5 is an EF database (developed by Labos 1point5) for the research sector, applicable for laboratory emission balances and more generally for other sectors of activity as well.
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Global Logistics Emissions Council

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The Global Logistics Emissions Council database compiles greenhouse gas emissions related to logistics to inform efforts to reduce the carbon footprint in global freight transportation.
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INIES is the reference base for the construction sector in France. It includes all manufacturer data sheets called FDES and PEP by product and material, as well as generic data by product category.
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NegaOctet is a database specialized in emission factors related to the digital sector, encompassing both software, hardware and terminals, as well as their various applications, and it is used to assess the carbon footprint of these technologies and their uses in France.
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Omega TP

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Omega TP is a database specialized in emission factors specific to the construction sector, offering a detailed analysis according to the types of materials (such as concrete, asphalt, etc.) used in France, which allows a thorough assessment of their environmental impact.
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FE number:
The PCAF has established a database on emission factors concerning energy consumption and manufacturing in buildings, classified by country and by type (office, warehouse, hotel, retail, etc.), thus allowing a detailed analysis of their carbon footprint.
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FE number:
Sami consolidates all the EFs (kgCO2eq/k€) from the carbon balances of organizations carried out using our tool.

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To go further

Environmental labelling will introduce an environmental score for the products sold. What sectors, when, how? We tell you all about the subject!
An exclusive webinar with ADEME in charge of the deployment of environmental labelling. Testimonial from two companies that have already implemented it on their products.
How did Monsieur Tshirt call on Sami to quantify and understand its climate impact, in order to then reduce it effectively.