
Measuring an organisation's carbon footprint

In partnership with the Institut Supérieur de l'Environnement


Get your training financed

This training can be financed via your professional training account (CPF) or via France Travail, but also via your OPCO if you are a company.

Practical information

Target audience

Any professional looking to reduce the impact of their organisation through the use of carbon accounting or to carry out a consultancy assignment.

Training methods

Distance learning with e-learning and virtual classrooms.

Case study on the Sami tool, Bilan Carbone® compliant.


Certificate of successful completion of the block belonging to title RNCP36489 ‘Accompagner la maîtrise d'ouvrage d'un projet ayant un impact environnemental’.


6-week online course (approx. 70 hours including 5 synchronous sessions).

Price of the course

3,190 net of tax.

Funded via :
Personal Training

Account Your company's skills development plan


Knowledge of sustainability issues.

100% distance learning


Sustainable project management

The Empreinte Carbone training course is structured around an e-learning curriculum on sustainable project management, which will train you in project management methodology, with a particular focus on the management of water, waste, polluted sites and areas, biodiversity and the prevention of natural or industrial risks. Sami's synchronous carbon footprint training programme is also available. The e-learning programme can be taken before or during your carbon audit training course.

Introduction to carbon accounting

Understand the context and challenges of climate change
Understand why companies need to produce a carbon footprint
Understand the basis for calculating greenhouse gas emissions
Understand and master the methodological differences

Download the programme 🇫🇷

Session 1: Emission factors and data collection

Find an emissions factor according to different criteria.

Understand how to choose one emissions factor over another.

Understand and know the steps involved in collecting data.

Session 2: Focus on 3 emission items

Know how to measure employee emissions.

Know how to measure emissions linked to premises.

Know how to measure digital emissions.

Session 3: Focus on 4 emission sources

Know how to measure service-related emissions.

Know how to measure waste and end-of-life emissions.

Know how to measure freight-related emissions.

Know how to measure emissions linked to investments.

Session 4: How do you count product emissions?

Know the difference between generic and specific approaches.

Ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Session 5: Everything you need to make a success of your reviews

Consolidate the data collected (physical + monetary).

Manage the uncertainties in your balance sheets.

Judging the credibility of a carbon footprint.

Understanding the key elements of a presentation.

Practical training

Our trainers will help you get to grips with the Sami software. You will learn how to collect data, measure emissions and build effective action plans and reduction trajectories in line with science.

Télécharger le programme

Découvrez le témoignage de Romane

"La base théorique est là, la réflexion globale autour du bilan carbone est là, la compréhension des différents postes, des facteurs d’émission, etc… Et puis il y a toute la dimension pratique qui était très importante pour moi. On fait des cas concrets, on revient dessus avec le formateur, on corrige, on peut poser des questions, c’est ce qui fait la différence."

Formation comptabilité carbone
Février 2024


Get your training financed

This training can be financed via your professional training account (CPF) or via France Travail, but also via your OPCO if you are a company.

We answer all your questions

I'm new to carbon accounting. Can I enrol on this course?
What carbon accounting methods are covered by this course?
Will this course enable me to learn how to use the Sami tool?
Can this course be funded via the CPF?
Does this training lead to certification in the Bilan Carbone® method?

Would you like to find out more about our training courses?

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