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Euratechnologies est un écosystème d'innovation et d'entrepreneuriat qui soutient les startups et les entreprises technologiques dans leur croissance et leur développement durable.
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Fédération BTP Rhône

La Fédération BTP Rhône est une organisation professionnelle qui représente les entreprises du secteur du bâtiment et des travaux publics, favorisant ainsi le développement durable et responsable de l'industrie de la construction.
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Impact France

Impact France est une organisation qui encourage et soutient les initiatives à fort impact social et environnemental en France, favorisant ainsi le changement positif dans la société.
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Les Acteurs de la Compétence

Les Acteurs de la Compétence est une entreprise spécialisée dans le développement des compétences et des talents, mettant l'accent sur la formation et l'accompagnement vers des pratiques professionnelles durables.
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Pacte PME

Pacte PME est une initiative visant à renforcer les liens entre grandes entreprises et PME, favorisant ainsi la croissance économique et le développement durable à travers des partenariats équitables et collaboratifs.
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UN Global Compact

UN Global Compact est une initiative des Nations Unies qui encourage les entreprises à adopter des pratiques commerciales responsables et à contribuer aux objectifs de développement durable.
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Union des Industries Textiles

L’Union des Industries Textiles (UIT) est l'organisme patronal des entreprises textiles actives en France (filature, moulinage, tissage, tricotage, ennoblissement).
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Alven is a venture capital firm that invests in early and growing technology startups, supporting innovation and entrepreneurship.
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Axeleo Capital

Axeleo Capital is a venture capital company specialized in financing and supporting technology startups in the growth phase, with an emphasis on innovation and sustainable development.
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BPCE est un groupe bancaire français qui propose une gamme complète de services bancaires et financiers, tout en s'engageant à promouvoir des pratiques responsables et durables dans ses activités.
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Breega is a European investment fund that supports technology startups with high growth potential, with an emphasis on innovation and sustainability.
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Capagro is an investment fund specialized in agri-food and sustainable agricultural technologies, thus supporting the innovation and ecological transition of the sector.
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Capital Croissance

Capital Croissance is a private equity firm that supports the growth of SMEs by providing them with financing and strategic advice, thus promoting sustainable economic development.
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Citizen Capital

Citizen Capital is an impact-oriented investment fund that supports social and environmental businesses with high growth potential, thereby contributing to solving social and environmental challenges.
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Daphni is a venture capital fund that invests in European startups with high growth potential, with an emphasis on innovation and technology.
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Decathlon Capital Invest

Decathlon Capital Invest is an investment fund focused on the financial and strategic support of startups in the field of sports and leisure, promoting innovation and sustainability.
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Eiffel IG

Eiffel IG is an investment management company specialized in sustainable infrastructures and positive environmental impact projects.
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Elaia is a venture capital firm that invests in innovative startups in technology, AI, and healthcare, with an emphasis on sustainability and growth.
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Epopée Gestion

Epopée Gestion is a venture capital firm that invests in innovative startups, especially in the clean technology and sustainability sectors.
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Founders Future

Founders Future is an investment fund that supports innovative startups in the field of technology and sustainable development.
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Geneo Capital

Geneo Capital is an investment fund specialized in financing technology companies with a high positive environmental and social impact, thus supporting sustainable innovation.
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Indigo Capital

Indigo Capital is an asset management company specialized in investments with a positive social and environmental impact, thus contributing to the promotion of sustainable development.
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Isatis Capital

Isatis Capital is a private equity firm focused on financing growing technology companies, especially in the areas of sustainability and innovation.
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Le groupe Raise, pionnier de la finance engagée et entreprise à mission, est doté d'un modèle unique de partage de la réussite. Avec une parité totale et à tous les échelons hiérarchiques, les équipes accompagnent les entreprises et projets dans leur développement et leur transformation.
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Revaia develops innovative solutions for intelligent energy management, thus promoting energy efficiency and the transition to renewable energies.
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Shine est une néobanque qui offre des services bancaires éthiques et responsables aux entreprises, les aidant ainsi à gérer leurs finances de manière durable.
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Terre et fils

Terre et Fils is a company specialized in organic agricultural production and the marketing of environmentally friendly products, with an emphasis on sustainability and quality.
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Tudigo is a crowdfunding platform that supports the projects of companies and associations working for sustainable development and social innovation.
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Turenne Capital

Turenne Capital is a private equity firm that supports the development of French SMEs, with an emphasis on sustainable growth and long-term value creation.
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XAnge est une société de capital-risque qui investit dans des startups à fort potentiel de croissance, en mettant l'accent sur l'innovation et la durabilité.


Advents, founded in 2008, is an independent consulting firm that focuses on human values and client needs. Advents is constantly innovating to support our customers in their transformations, with expertise in key sectors such as aeronautics, health and energy, while promoting a culture of curiosity and growth.


Altopi is a consulting firm in low-carbon transition and CSR strategy with the objective of supporting and helping companies to commit to a fairer and more sustainable society


An independent management and organization consulting firm specializing in transformation projects, Artimon is also a research institute deciphering the impact of new technologies on organizations.


Aucentur is a consulting firm specialized in financial auditing, RSE/ESG and supporting organizations in their CSR approach

Axa Climate

We offer consulting services to the agri-food, industrial, financial, and public sectors to help them successfully adapt to climate change and biodiversity loss, in a regenerative manner.


Ayming offers consulting services in innovation and performance optimization, helping businesses maximize their impact while minimizing their environmental footprint.

Bex Conseil

Bex Conseil is a firm specialized in the sustainable integration of environmental and social issues into corporate strategies, offering expertise in social and environmental responsibility.

Bureau Veritas

Bureau Veritas is a global leader in testing, inspections and certifications, helping to meet challenges related to quality, safety, the environment and social responsibility, by promoting trust between businesses, authorities and customers through our expertise and impartiality.

Buying & Solutions

We support you on a variety of topics, ranging from the creation of procurement organizations to sustainable development, including decarbonization, strategic analyses, sourcing, one-off projects, support during business growth and recruitment assistance, for missions of any duration.


C-Durable is a sustainability consulting firm, helping businesses implement responsible business practices and reduce their environmental impact.

Coopérative Carbone

The La Rochelle Carbon Cooperative supports local actors who want to act locally to reduce their impact on the climate. We work with citizens, businesses and communities to support them in achieving their low-carbon transition.


CorpoKarma is a consulting and innovation agency in sustainable development. Our approach is pragmatic and integrated. The consultancy aims to offer an integrated view of sustainability topics.


Covivance advises and supports companies on the path to more sustainable and responsible development, with impact.

Crowe Sustainable Metrics

The Sustainable Metrics consulting firm, affiliated to the Crowe network, managed by Jean-Baptiste Cottenceau, aims to support economic actors in managing their Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR) issues, as well as in improving and auditing their performance indicators and CSR/extra-financial reporting.


Deceo is the responsible partner that calculates the eco-score of clothing from responsible brands, offering a funded and guided approach for increased credibility, with figures to measure and communicate your commitment to your customers.


DEKRA is the leader in inspection, certification, services and claims management in the automotive, transport and industrial fields. As a global partner for a safer and more sustainable world, DEKRA is committed to ensuring long-term safety, quality and environmental protection.

Digital Carbon

Digital Carbon offers integrated solutions to help businesses successfully navigate through the challenges of the ecological and digital transition, thus ensuring effective and sustainable management of their carbon footprint.


eaa, a consulting and project development company in Le Puy-en-Velay, offers a global and efficient approach to meeting future societal challenges, by supporting its clients from strategy to action through innovative and empowering projects, covering the fields of sustainable development, energy efficiency, energy efficiency, circular economy, digital transition and carbon footprint.


European leader in Nature-based Solutions, EcoTree allows individuals and businesses to commit to the environment by supporting projects for the protection, sustainable management and restoration of ecosystems in France and Europe.


Ekodev is a consulting company specialized in sustainable development, helping companies implement eco-responsible practices and reduce their environmental footprint.


Endema is a consulting company that supports companies and communities in the implementation of ecological and energy transition actions.


Accelerate the ecological and social transition by designing and implementing concrete and quantifiable measures, and by changing the behavior of citizens and organizations - public or private.

Etyo Consulting

Etyo Consulting offers sustainable management and corporate social responsibility consulting services, helping organizations implement ethical and sustainable business practices.

Fashion That Cares

Fashion That Cares has been supporting companies in the fashion sector since 2012 in the implementation of more sustainable and responsible practices.

Fifty Five

The Fifty Five sustainable development team supports you in your low-carbon strategy, from emissions measurement to reduction actions, for your digital activities, but not only.


Fiteco offers personalized solutions to meet your entrepreneurial needs, ranging from administrative and fiscal assistance to digital business management, including social and environmental responsibility support, and the preparation of business transfer.

Fondation GoodPlanet

Foundation whose aim is to make the greatest number aware of ecological and solidarity issues, and to act concretely for a more sustainable world, on the ground, in businesses and within communities.

Goodwill Management

Cabinet de conseil en soutenabilité, qui fait partie du pôle RSE de Baker Tilly France, Goodwill-management accompagne depuis 2003 les organisations vers des modèles plus responsables, du grand groupe à la PME de tous secteurs.


GreenScale's mission is to make sustainable development expertise accessible to small structures (SMEs, local authorities) in all French regions.


Our support aims to help economic actors understand and integrate the challenges of the energy and climate transition, anticipate risks and seize opportunities, with two areas of action: reducing emissions to achieve carbon neutrality, and adapting to strengthen resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Impact Labs

Impact Labs est une société de conseil nouvelle génération qui propose des services et solutions pour la transformation durable des entreprises en les aidant à construire un modèle économique durable, leur résilience face aux chocs, et à élargir leur impact positif.

Ioda Consulting

IODA Consulting, a firm specialized and recognized in supporting innovative companies, offers 360° expertise in accounting, innovation taxation and funding research, thanks to a multidisciplinary team and a perfect knowledge of the innovation ecosystem.

Ithéa Conseil

Ithéa is a design office working with local authorities, specialized in carrying out territorial diagnoses.

Key Consulting

Key Consulting offers strategic and sustainable development consulting services, helping businesses develop effective solutions to incorporate responsible business practices.

Le Fil Vert

Le Fil Vert offers tailor-made support to companies in their transformation towards sustainable practices, guaranteeing positive long-term results.

Let's Change

Let's Change supports organizations and teams that engage in sustainable transformation or innovation projects.


Leyton is a research and development consulting firm, helping businesses optimize their investments in innovation while minimizing their environmental impact.

Moment of Impact

Moment of Impact is a next-generation consulting firm that exists to catalyze business alignment through B Corp™ certification.

MyAstrolab Carbone

MyAstroLab Carbone, founded by energy transition entrepreneurs, offers consulting services specialized in operational strategy to meet climate challenges, with expertise ranging from advice to implementation across the entire carbon chain.


Médènagane's mission is to raise awareness and support organizations in their low-carbon transition.


Newwell is a sustainability consulting agency, a company with a mission, alongside entrepreneurs, to address environmental and societal challenges without saving on profit.


NoCoo is an environmental labelling platform that helps to value your product data to strengthen your competitiveness and reputation, thus accelerating responsible consumption and decarbonization via e-commerce and social networks.

Objectif 2°

Objective 2° facilitates the economic and ecological transition by offering assistance to the project owner to build strategies aimed at minimizing the energy need and the environmental impact of customers, as well as by providing operational support for the implementation of improvement actions.

Optima Carbone

Optima Carbone supports voluntary companies in their sustainable development strategy, eco-responsibility and ecological transition.


Polygones helps you integrate your business into the sustainable economy by developing circular and low-carbon strategies, implementing action plans and training your teams to meet environmental challenges.

Purple Pepper

We support companies towards sustainability by integrating the four essential pillars: meaning for employees, carbon neutrality, respect for individuals and economic viability.

Rive Neuve

Rive Neuve is a company specialized in the design and implementation of sustainable urban planning projects, thus promoting the harmonious development of cities and territories.

Seed Change

SEED est à la fois un organisme de formation certifié Qualiopi dédié au développement humain et organisationnel et un cabinet de conseil engagé dans la transition écologique. Avec expertise et innovation, ils propulsent les entreprises vers la réussite opérationnelle et la durabilité, offrant des solutions sur mesure alliant croissance professionnelle et responsabilité environnementale."

Spitha Pyxida

Spitha Pyxida is a strategy and sustainability consulting firm, helping businesses develop business strategies that focus on innovation and sustainability.


Substanciel supports their customers in measuring and reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and assists them in financing their action plan.

Tandem Stratégie

Tandem Strategy is a sustainable development consulting firm, helping companies integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into their strategy and operations.

The Green CFO

We help companies adopt business models that respect the environment, while supporting financial institutions in managing the risks and opportunities associated with this transition, and by supporting Financial Departments in integrating environmental and social issues to become Green CFOs.


UTOPIES is the first French consulting agency dedicated exclusively, since its creation in 1993, to the promotion of sustainable development, through its consulting and think-tank activities.


Vagaia is a company specialized in the design and manufacture of ecological products for the outdoors, thus promoting a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Vinci Facilities

VINCI Facilities is a provider of facilities management and real estate solutions offering tailor-made, profitable and sustainable solutions to clients in the public and private sectors.


With more than 5,500 employees across Europe, North America and Asia, Wavestone has first-class sector expertise complemented by a portfolio of cross-sectoral know-how that makes it possible to address major transformation programs at 360°.

We don’t need roads

We Don't Need Roads is a company that specializes in promoting active and sustainable transport, thus encouraging the use of soft modes of travel to reduce the carbon footprint.


WeNow is a consulting firm specialized in technological solutions aimed at reducing carbon emissions from vehicle fleets, thus facilitating the transition to more sustainable mobility. Their expertise allows businesses to adopt greener transport practices while contributing to the global effort to combat climate change.

Yes for Planet

Support and actions in terms of environment, social and societal for your events and/or your industrial company in order to guarantee a favorable response to the regulations in force, to your stakeholders and to climate objectives
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2tonnes is an interactive workshop allowing a group of about 10 participants to reflect and act collectively to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In 2 to 3 hours, participants work together to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.
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Agoterra specializes in the development of innovative agroecological projects aimed at promoting sustainable and resilient agriculture.
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Bring the way

Bring the Way develops innovative solutions to promote soft mobility and reduce the carbon footprint of urban travel.
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Carbonapp offers tools and services to help businesses measure, reduce, and offset their carbon emissions, thereby contributing to the fight against climate change.
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Cegid est un éditeur de logiciels proposant des solutions de gestion d'entreprise, aidant les organisations à optimiser leurs processus tout en réduisant leur impact environnemental.
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Ecotree offers participatory and transparent reforestation solutions, allowing individuals and businesses to offset their carbon footprint while contributing to the preservation of the environment.
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Energic develops solutions to encourage the transition to clean and renewable energy, thus contributing to the fight against climate change.
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ethiCRSE offers corporate social responsibility (CSR) consulting services to help organizations integrate environmental and social issues into their strategy.
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Greenmetrics provides tools to assess and monitor the environmental performance of businesses, thereby helping them make more sustainable decisions.
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Kemmrod offers innovative solutions for the management and valorization of wastewater, thus contributing to the preservation of water quality.
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Label Lucie

Label Lucie is a certification that recognizes companies committed to a process of social responsibility and sustainable development.
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Lekaba develops digital solutions to facilitate the sustainable management of natural resources and the preservation of biodiversity.
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Mao Boa

Mao Boa offers innovative solutions for the management and recovery of waste, thus contributing to the transition to a circular economy.
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Mysezame is a digital platform that facilitates the sharing of information and collaboration between actors involved in sustainable development projects.
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Positive Company

Positive Company supports organizations in their transformation towards more sustainable and socially responsible business models.
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Pur Projet

Pur Projet works with businesses to integrate sustainable development solutions into their business, with an emphasis on the preservation of nature and support for local communities.
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Reforest'Action is a reforestation platform allowing businesses and individuals to plant trees around the world to fight against deforestation and take concrete action for the climate.
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Riverse focuses on restoring river ecosystems using innovative technologies to preserve biodiversity and promote sustainable stream development.
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Rize offers digital solutions to facilitate the transition to more sustainable and eco-responsible lifestyles.
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Scop3 offers solutions to encourage the transition to a circular economy by promoting the reuse, recycling and recovery of waste.
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Stadium Go

Stadium Go offers digital solutions to optimize the spectator experience in stadiums while reducing the environmental impact of sporting events.
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Sysfarm develops intelligent agricultural technologies to optimize yields while reducing the environmental footprint of agriculture.
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Yotta offers technological solutions to optimize resource management and reduce the environmental impact of human activities.
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1kmàpieds est une initiative qui encourage les déplacements à pieds et la promotion de modes de transport écologiques pour réduire l'empreinte carbone.
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Afyren produit des ingrédients biosourcés à partir de déchets agricoles et agroalimentaires, offrant ainsi des alternatives durables aux produits chimiques traditionnels dans divers secteurs industriels.
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Algo Paint

Algo Paint fabrique des peintures écologiques à base d'algues marines, réduisant ainsi l'empreinte carbone et les émissions de composés organiques volatils (COV) associées à la peinture conventionnelle.
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BeeBryte propose des solutions d'optimisation énergétique basées sur l'intelligence artificielle, permettant aux entreprises et aux industries de réduire leur consommation d'énergie et leurs émissions de CO2.
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Bivouac catering

Bivouac catering propose des services de restauration événementielle durables, privilégiant les produits locaux et biologiques et réduisant ainsi l'empreinte environnementale des événements.
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Celsius Energy

Celsius Energy développe des solutions de stockage thermique pour l'industrie et le résidentiel, permettant ainsi de valoriser la chaleur excédentaire et d'optimiser l'efficacité énergétique.
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Cobratex développe des textiles techniques à partir de fibres de banane et d'autres matériaux durables, offrant des alternatives écologiques pour l'industrie textile.
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Cycle Up

Cycle Up propose des solutions de recyclage des matériaux de construction, favorisant ainsi la réutilisation des déchets de construction et la réduction de l'empreinte carbone du secteur de la construction.
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Dametis développe des solutions de gestion intelligente de l'énergie pour les bâtiments, optimisant ainsi l'efficacité énergétique et réduisant les coûts opérationnels.
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Deskopolitan propose des solutions d'espaces de travail partagés et flexibles, favorisant ainsi un mode de travail collaboratif et durable.
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Ecklo propose des solutions de gestion intelligente des ressources pour les entreprises et les collectivités, permettant ainsi d'optimiser l'utilisation des ressources naturelles et de réduire l'empreinte environnementale.
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Eco Adapt

Eco Adapt fournit des services de conseil en développement durable et d'adaptation au changement climatique pour les entreprises et les collectivités locales.
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Ecoat propose des revêtements de protection écologiques pour les métaux et les surfaces, réduisant ainsi l'utilisation de produits chimiques nocifs et les émissions de polluants dans l'environnement.
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Ecologic est une entreprise de conseil en développement durable, offrant des services d'accompagnement et de certification pour les entreprises désireuses de mettre en place des pratiques durables.
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Ekip développe des solutions de mobilité durable, offrant des alternatives écologiques pour les déplacements urbains et périurbains.
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Enercool is a company that specializes in the design, manufacturing, and installation of energy-efficient cooling systems for commercial and industrial applications. Their innovative solutions help businesses reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint while maintaining optimal temperature control in their facilities.
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Enerdigit est spécialisé dans les solutions numériques pour la transition énergétique, offrant des outils d'analyse de données et de gestion de l'énergie pour optimiser les performances énergétiques.
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Energy Pool

Energy Pool développe des solutions de gestion intelligente de l'énergie pour les réseaux électriques, favorisant l'intégration des énergies renouvelables et la flexibilité du système énergétique.
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FabBrick développe des briques de construction écologiques à partir de matériaux recyclés et de déchets de construction, offrant des alternatives durables pour l'industrie de la construction.
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Goodcollect est une plateforme de collecte de déchets en entreprise, facilitant ainsi le tri et le recyclage des déchets et la réduction de leur impact environnemental.
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Green Spot

Green Spot fournit des solutions de recharge pour véhicules électriques, contribuant ainsi à l'adoption des énergies renouvelables et à la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans le secteur des transports.
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GreenGo, c'est des séjours écoresponsables qui font du bien. Une alternative française et équitable, qui vous sélectionne les meilleurs logements en France.
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Géovélo est une application de planification d'itinéraires pour les cyclistes, favorisant ainsi l'utilisation du vélo comme moyen de transport écologique et durable.
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Heliup développe des solutions de captation et d'utilisation de la chaleur solaire pour l'industrie et l'agriculture, offrant des alternatives durables pour la production d'énergie et le chauffage.
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Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies

Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies développe des ciments bas carbone à partir de matières premières alternatives, réduisant ainsi l'empreinte carbone de l'industrie de la construction.
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JeanFourche est une entreprise spécialisée dans la conception et la fabrication de vélos électriques haut de gamme, offrant des alternatives durables pour les déplacements urbains.
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Karibati est spécialisé dans la construction de bâtiments à faible empreinte environnementale en utilisant des matériaux biosourcés et des techniques de construction durables.
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Keewe est une plateforme de paiement en ligne offrant des solutions de traitement sécurisé pour les entreprises et les commerçants. Leur plateforme innovante simplifie les transactions en ligne, garantissant une expérience utilisateur fluide tout en mettant l'accent sur la sécurité et l'efficacité des paiements.
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Kompozite propose des matériaux de construction innovants à base de composites, favorisant la durabilité et la résilience des structures tout en réduisant leur empreinte environnementale.
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Le Pavé

Le Pavé conçoit et fabrique des pavés et des revêtements de sol écologiques à partir de matériaux recyclés, contribuant ainsi à la gestion des déchets et à la préservation des ressources naturelles.
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Materrup propose des solutions de gestion durable des déchets organiques et des sous-produits agricoles, favorisant la valorisation des ressources naturelles et la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre.
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Metron propose des solutions de gestion de l'énergie et de l'eau pour les bâtiments et les infrastructures, optimisant ainsi leur consommation et leur impact environnemental.
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Newheat développe des solutions innovantes de récupération de chaleur industrielle, contribuant ainsi à l'efficacité énergétique et à la réduction des émissions de CO2.
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Nomadia is a company specialized in the design and implementation of responsible trips, thus promoting sustainable and ethical tourism.
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Okarito is a company specialized in the design and manufacture of ecological and sustainable products for the home and daily life.
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Olinn propose des solutions de recharge sans fil pour les véhicules électriques, favorisant ainsi l'adoption de la mobilité électrique et la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre.
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Pili développe des solutions innovantes pour la valorisation des déchets organiques en bioproduits utiles, tels que les bioplastiques et les biocarburants, contribuant ainsi à l'économie circulaire.
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Plaxtil recycle les déchets plastiques en matériaux de construction durables, contribuant ainsi à la lutte contre la pollution plastique et à la préservation des ressources naturelles.
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Qualisteo développe des solutions de mesure de la consommation énergétique pour les entreprises, permettant ainsi d'optimiser les performances énergétiques et de réduire les coûts.
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savr est une application mobile de gestion des déchets alimentaires, permettant aux consommateurs de réduire leur gaspillage et de mieux gérer leur alimentation.
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Sellsy est une plateforme de gestion commerciale et de relation client en ligne, aidant les entreprises à optimiser leurs processus commerciaux tout en favorisant l'efficacité et la durabilité dans leurs opérations.
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Solar Cloth System

Solar Cloth System développe des systèmes de production d'énergie solaire flexibles et portables, offrant des solutions d'énergie renouvelable pour diverses applications.
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Stokelp offers thermal energy storage solutions for buildings and industrial installations, thus making it possible to valorize excess heat and optimize energy efficiency.
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Sunti est spécialisé dans la conception et la fabrication de panneaux solaires thermiques pour le chauffage d'eau, offrant des solutions durables pour les besoins énergétiques domestiques et industriels.
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Tilkal développe des solutions numériques pour la traçabilité et la transparence des supply chains
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Uptrade est une plateforme en ligne de commerce équitable, mettant en relation les producteurs locaux et les consommateurs soucieux de leur empreinte carbone.
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Uzaje est une plateforme en ligne de location d'articles et de biens de consommation durables, encourageant ainsi l'économie circulaire et la réduction des déchets.
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Wagram Voyages

Wagram Voyages est une agence de voyages spécialisée dans les voyages responsables et solidaires, favorisant ainsi le tourisme équitable et respectueux de l'environnement.

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