your CSRD approach from the very first stages!
Start with a precise diagnosis of your CSRD approach by analyzing your business context: map value chains and stakeholders, personalize your challenges, and follow each step with an integrated management dashboard.

Easily reproduce your organizational structure
Model the different levels of your organization
Reproduce your company's organization on the tool: sites, subsidiaries, business units, etc., by creating the necessary levels (up to 4 levels).
Enter your essential information by organizational unit
Gather all the information about your organization by unit and access it at a glance: SIRET/SIREN, workforce, turnover, sector of activity, country, etc.

Simply map your stakeholders
Identify your stakeholders
Enter the stakeholders of your project (internal, external, financial partners) and list the actors involved in your CSR approach.
Segment your stakeholders
Associate them with segments (for example, for internal: employees, management, etc.) to represent your ecosystem more finely.
Evaluate the influence of each segment
Define an influence to weight the results from consultations and impact the double materiality matrix.

your framework of challenges
Easily link a standard to an issue
Establish a connection between a custom issue specific to your company and a standardized reporting issue. Several standards are available: ESRS (CSRD), ISO26000, Ecovadis, CDP, Global Compact, GRI, Ecovadis, etc.
Ensure coverage of your issues
The platform automatically checks if any elements of the chosen standard are missing from the issue repository and allows you to provide a justification for the auditor if desired.
Link issues from one framework to other standards (coming soon)
Leverage already defined issues and collected indicators to use them in other standards, such as Ecovadis or GRI. Find automatically defined tags to easily link between standards

How to carry out
a successful double materiality assessment?
Discover our new guide to double materiality assessment, synthesizing the best theoretical content and concrete examples from the leading experts in the field.
Build the management of your project directly on the software
Build your report step by step
Manage your project in a structured way: define and add steps and tasks, assign a responsible person, and specify the deliverable and deadlines.
Collaborate effectively with integrated notes
Add notes, to-dos, and notes to optimize your collaboration.
Easily manage your users
Manage your internal and external users by determining each person's role in your project and customize access to each module for optimal confidentiality.

Let's talk about your
environmental issues!
Read more
Cartographiez simplement
vos parties prenantes
Identifiez vos parties prenantes
Saisissez les parties prenantes de votre projet (interne, externe, partenaires financiers) et recensez les acteurs concernés par votre démarche CSRD.
Segmentez vos parties prenantes
Associez-y des segments (par exemple pour l’interne : collaborateur, direction, etc..), pour représenter votre écosystème plus finement.
Évaluez l’influence de chaque segment
Définissez une influence pour pondérer le résultat issus des consultations et impacter la matrice de double matérialité.