Measure and reduce the impact of your paper and digital printing!

Sami assists numerous players in the Press and Media in their decarbonisation strategy.

Rely on our expertise and the power of our software!

Get your transition financed!

Sami is listed as a trusted player in the ADEME and BPI support programmes and can help you with your transition project.

Expertise in your sector combined
with time-saving software

Save time on data collection!

Take advantage of our data collectors to quickly and easily collect data related to your paper and digital activities. Our collectors are declared compliant with the Bilan Carbone® methodology according to the ABC.

Collectors for your raw material purchases or digital purchases

Freight, delivery, and digital data collectors (servers, data transfers, etc..)

Visualization of your emissions by type of activity (regie, print, support functions, digital...)

Easily visualize the impact of your activity and make the right decisions

Visualize the impact of your activity globally or by emission type (paper vs digital, suppliers, transport, etc.). Set the right objectives and build your climate roadmap on the app.

Global and customized reduction trajectories

Database of actions specific to the Press and Media sector (purchases, freight, digital, etc..)

Definition of your climate roadmap and visualization of the impact of each action on your trajectories

Find out more about the carbon footprint of a newspaper publisher

Would you like to see Sami's expertise in the Press and Media sector?

Check out this anonymised carbon footprint!

The strength of human expertise at your service

Alexis Lepage
Climate consultant

Alexis is passionate about developing decarbonisation strategies for businesses.

He is also a member of the 'sport and climate' working group of The Shift Project think tank.

Vanessa Pasquet
Head of Consulting Services

Vanessa has more than 14 years' experience in environmental strategy consulting with major consultancies such as Quantis.

logo utopies
Partner firm

Passionate about carbon accounting, Guillaume co-created the General Carbon Plan, the carbon accounting wiki now managed by ABC and ADEME.

logo ekodev
Partner firm

Vanessa has more than 14 years of experience in environmental strategy consulting with major consulting firms such as Quantis in particular.

We can help you with all your enWe support you in all your environmental initiatives

We support many local daily newspaper actors on various topics: awareness raising, Life Cycle Analysis of products sold or digital services, SBT support... Trust the expertise of expert consultants!

Life Cycle Assessment

Awareness-raising workshops

Support for SBT certification

Let's talk about your
environmental issues!

Read more

To go further

Environmental labelling will introduce an environmental score for the products sold. What sectors, when, how? We tell you all about the subject!
An exclusive webinar with ADEME in charge of the deployment of environmental labelling. Testimonial from two companies that have already implemented it on their products.
How did Monsieur Tshirt call on Sami to quantify and understand its climate impact, in order to then reduce it effectively.