Carbon footprint®
Learn how to measure your company's emissions with this first training module in the Bilan Carbone® method, combining theory and practice.

They trained with Sami Academy

Bilans Carbone®
This course enables companies to carry out a Bilan Carbone® recognised by the Association pour la Transition Bas Carbone. Combined with the Bilan Carbone® - Mastery course, it enables you to become a Bilan Carbone® service provider.

Who is the course aimed at?
People who want a first approach to the method.
Companies, local authorities and other organisations wishing to carry out their Bilan Carbone® in-house (CSR managers, carbon managers).
Consultants wishing to become Bilan Carbone® service providers and sell Bilan Carbone® services by combining this course with the Bilan Carbone® - Mastery course.
Why train with Sami Academy?
This training course is:
Created and run by experts in collaboration with the Low Carbon Transition Association.
Delivered mainly via interactive virtual classes and captivating e-learning materials.
On a human scale, with a maximum of 15 students per trainer.

Training objectives
This training will enable participants to :
- have an overview of the main issues in the fight against climate change.
- know how to make the link between these issues and the Bilan Carbone® method.
- discover and understand the method and its tools.
For companies/local authorities:
- to be able to carry out an initial Bilan Carbone® in-house.
- carry out a GHG assessment to meet French regulatory obligations.
- to be able to support its service provider.
For consultants :
- Acquire the basic skills needed to take the Bilan Carbone® method mastery course.

A programme of 6 sessions
15h00 of training
During this stage, you can access our online training platform to acquire basic knowledge at your own pace:
- Issues, method, regulations and calculation tools.
- The principles of GHG emissions accounting and the Bilan Carbone® method.
- Tutorials and exercises for using the various spreadsheets in the Bilan Carbone® method.
- French regulations.
Bonus sequences available: Fundamentals of energy and climate.
Introduction to carbon accounting
3H30 of training
An initial session covering the basics of carbon accounting.
Au programme de ce temps fort 11 séquences
Understand the context and issues related to
climate change
Understanding why companies need to measure their emissions
Understanding the basis for calculating greenhouse gas emissions
4.La cartographie des flux
5/6.Traitement des données
7/8.Le plan de transition
9.Impact carbone d’une action de réduction
10.Bilan Carbone® et autres démarches de comptabilité
11.Questions et réponses
Focus on
3 emissions items
By the end of this session, you will have mastered the measurement of employee and premises emissions, as well as digital emissions.
Our next training sessions
We also offer this training on an in-company basis.
The very best in climate expertise to help you develop your skills!

Juliette has over 5 years' experience in environmental strategy, analysing your physical flows and LCAs, and helping companies to measure and reduce their emissions.

Julien has been helping companies of all sizes to diagnose and reduce their environmental impact for over 5 years, and is an expert in carbon assessments, climate reduction plans, life cycle analyses and eco-design.
Get your training financed
Our training centre is Qualiopi certified.
Get your training financed by your OPCO or by France Travail.

We answer all your questions
Yes, this training course is recognised by the Low Carbon Transition Association and enables you to carry out Bilans Carbone®.
This course consists of an e-learning section (15 hours) followed by a day of training in a virtual or physical classroom. The e-learning part must be completed before the virtual classroom day.
Sami is a recognised tool that complies with the Bilan Carbone® method and enables you to carry out carbon assessments quickly and collaboratively.
This training course is based on Excel only, but Sami provides free resources outside the training course to enable you to train yourself.
Yes, there are no educational pre-requisites for this course.
Yes, this course will give you the theoretical and practical information you need to carry out your own in-house carbon assessment.
Not yet, you also need to take the Bilan Carbone® - Mastering course.
This course costs €1150 excluding VAT or €1380 including VAT.
To follow this course, all you need is a computer and a stable internet connection, as well as access to the Excel spreadsheet for the case study. Sami Academy not only provides access to the e-learning platform, but not Excel.
This content is accessible on an unlimited basis.
Before the contract is signed, an interview is held to :
- analyse needs in order to guide trainees towards the most suitable training.
- identify any disabilities requiring adaptation.
The customer can :
- register their employees for an inter-company training course with predefined dates
- organise a training session dedicated to their own company.
The dates of virtual classroom sessions are available on the Sami Academy website.
Before the course : trainees will be asked to complete a questionnaire to find out what they expect from the course and to assess their initial level of knowledge.
During the course : interactive quizzes during e-learning.
At the end of the course : trainees, the client and the funder will be asked to complete a satisfaction questionnaire.
At the end of the course, you will receive a training certificate and a certificate of completion, as well as the training materials in electronic format, the calculation tools in Excel format, additional technical documents and the methodological guide.
In addition, you will receive a Bilan Carbone® user licence for the organisation: free of charge if turnover is less than €50m and subject to a charge if turnover is greater than €50m (conditions available at https://abc-transitionbascarbone.fr).
Our trainers are carbon accounting professionals with over 5 years' experience in this field.
In accordance with the regulations (Law of 11 February 2005 and Articles D.5211-1 et seq. of the French Labour Code), Sami Academy undertakes to meet the specific needs of disabled trainees by offering adjustments in terms of duration, pace, teaching methods and aids, etc.). Where necessary, Sami Academy may call on external expertise (Centre de Ressources Formation Handicap, P.A.S AGEFIPH-FIPHFP) and AD HOC resources (ACCEA, EPATECH, etc.) to find solutions to enable access to training.
Since the end of 2023, Sami Academy has helped more than 100 learners to develop their climate expertise with a high level of satisfaction (85%).
This training course, in partnership with ABC, is considered to be the benchmark course, with a satisfaction rate of over 95% among the more than 8,000 people who have taken it.