Save time auditing and analysing your data

Benefit from a space dedicated to auditing and analyzing your activity data.

Benefit from
automatic calculations

Automatic calculation of emissions from from physical data

The application automatically calculates emissions related to various activity collectors and employee questionnaires.

Automatic calculation of emissions from financial data

The application automatically reconciles accounting spends to carbon emissions.

Maintain control over expertise

Easily modify the emission factors and categorization selected by the application.

An analytical view of your emissions

Easily categorize your emissions

The software offers precise categorization (+300 categories) in accessible language to better understand the distribution of your emissions.

Personalize and refine your emission categories

Suppliers, product families, subsidiaries... Create custom dimensions and tags to better understand your carbon dependencies.

Create your own analysis indicators

Economic intensity, employee intensity, intensity per product sold... Create indicators specific to your activity.

Comment construire son RFP pour une solution carbone à l'heure de la CSRD ?

Découvrez notre guide complet avec des ressources exclusives pour vous aider à construire votre RFP !

A place to consolidate
all your data

Centralize all your data in one place

Access all your emission data grouped together in one place for simple and efficient processing.

Consolidate your multi-entity and group data

Find the data of each of your entities and consolidate them for a precise view of all emissions.

Efficiently remove duplicates

Easily visualize your data and avoid double counting by deleting the least precise data.

Une base de plus de 110 000 facteurs d'émissions

Améliorez la précision de vos bilans

Retrouvez une multitude de facteurs d’émissions provenant de bases multi-critères (EcoInvent, Empreinte, etc..) et spécifiques (Inies, Agribalyse, Negaotect, etc..) directement dans l’application.

Gagnez du temps grâce à notre moteur de recherche de facteurs d'émissions

Modifiez les facteurs d'émissions en 1 clic depuis votre espace de consolidation grâce à notre moteur de recherche de facteurs d'émissions.

Utilisez vos propres facteurs d’émissions

Accédez à vos propres facteurs d’émissions en les ajoutant facilement à la base de données, et utilisez-les en toute confidentialité.

Test our data audit area

Find out in just a few clicks how Sami software can simplify the audit and consolidation of your data
(demo in 🇫🇷)

Let's talk about your
environmental issues!

Read more

To go further

Environmental labelling will introduce an environmental score for the products sold. What sectors, when, how? We tell you all about the subject!
An exclusive webinar with ADEME in charge of the deployment of environmental labelling. Testimonial from two companies that have already implemented it on their products.
How did Monsieur Tshirt call on Sami to quantify and understand its climate impact, in order to then reduce it effectively.