
Bilan carbone®
Mastering the method

Learn how to measure a company's emissions in order to sell consultancy services, thanks to a training course combining theory and practice.


Bilans Carbone®

This training course will enable you to achieve an advanced level of expertise and become a Bilan Carbone® service provider recognised by the Association pour la Transition Bas Carbone.

Who should attend?

People wishing to have an advanced level of Bilan Carbone® method implementation.

Consultants wishing to become Bilan Carbone® service providers and sell Bilan Carbone® services.

Why choose Sami Academy?

This training course is:

  • created and run by market experts recognised by the Low Carbon Transition Association.
  • delivered exclusively in interactive virtual classes by experts in carbon accounting.
  • on a human scale, with a maximum of 12 students per trainer

In addition, this course provides :

  • access to the ABC tools, which comply with the Bilan Carbone® method

Training objectives

This course will enable participants to :

  • master the steps involved in carrying out a Bilan Carbone®.
  • master all the tools (except those dedicated to territories).
  • be able to drive forward a process to reduce emissions and implement a low-carbon strategy.
  • be able to use the method in a variety of contexts.
  • obtain a Bilan Carbone® operating licence for organisations wishing to market Bilan Carbone® services to their customers and be listed with the ABC.

A programme of 6 sessions

Introduction to carbon accounting

3H30 of training

An initial session covering the basics of carbon accounting.


  • Preparing the Bilan Carbone® for a complex case study: scope, list of data to be collected, mapping of flows, etc.
  • Management of missing emission factors


  • Calculating the balance sheet for the case study
  • In-class simulation: presentation of results
  • Assessment of knowledge and training (online)

Day 2


  • Identifying risks and opportunities
  • Courses of action and action plan: preparation


  • Lead and action plan: presentation (role play)
  • Beyond the Bilan Carbone®: review of approaches to go further: quantification of actions, ACT/SBT, SMGES, etc.
  • Assessment of knowledge and training (online)
Download the programme

Entrainements pratiques

Nos formateurs vous accompagnent dans la prise en main des tableurs Excel fournis par l'ABC. Vous apprendrez à prendre en main les outils de l'ABC afin de mesurer les émissions d'une organisation.

Télécharger le programme

Our next training sessions

We also offer in-company or customised formats for this training.


À partir du 23 et 24 Avril 2025

À distance
1250 € HT

Discover Romane's testimony

"The theoretical basis is there, the overall thinking around the carbon footprint is there, the understanding of the different items, the emission factors, etc... And then there's the whole practical dimension which was very important for me. We work on concrete cases, we go over them with the trainer, we correct them, we can ask questions, and that's what makes the difference."

Carbon accounting training
February 2024


Get your training financed

Our training centre is Qualiopi certified.
Get your training financed by your OPCO or by France Travail.

We answer all your questions

What is handed over at the end of the course?
Can I sell carbon footprint® services after this course?
How much does the course cost?
Is this course available in an in-company format?
I'm a novice, can I apply for this course?
Do I need special equipment to take the courses?
I have a disability. Can I attend one of your courses?
What are the valuation methods?
How can I access the site?

Would you like to find out more about our training courses?

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