your gap analysis

Identify gaps between your current data and regulatory requirements and define a clear roadmap for data collection

Analyze your existing and missing data for compliance

Automatic selection of your reporting requirements

Based on the double materiality analysis, our platform automatically selects your reporting requirements. You can then decide whether to refine the selection by adding requirements or removing them with justification for your auditor.

Analysis of your existing data

Track in real-time the data already available and the data that needs to be created to meet all your reporting requirements.

Get an automatic summary

Our software automatically provides a breakdown of applicable data points across all your data, as well as the distribution of available or voluntary data points on applicable data.

List your tasks to be completed in order to obtain compliance

Benefit from a task generator for missing data

The platform creates tasks for all reporting requirements with at least one missing data point. You can then rename and specify the task, and benefit from an up-to-date summary based on task completion.

Define roles, dates, and expected formats  

Use our platform as a project management tool and manage your action plan directly from the software. Keep track of your next steps to successfully collect or create all required data.

How to carry out
a successful double materiality assessment?

Discover our new guide to double materiality assessment, synthesizing the best theoretical content and concrete examples from the leading experts in the field.

Test our different collectors

Find out in just a few clicks how Sami software can simplify the collection of your data (demo in 🇫🇷)

Let's talk about your
environmental issues!

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