Sami is certified B Corp!

Margot Cadier

Content, Communication @Sami

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Sami obtained B Corp™ certification with a score of 99.9 and is now one of the more than 350 French companies that have joined this community of committed actors.

But what does this certification mean for Sami in concrete terms? How was it obtained? We explain to you.

What is the B Corp™ label?

The B Corp label, created in 2006 in the United States, is an international certification issued by the independent organization B Lab to companies that ”meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability”.


B Corp's goal is to build a more sustainable economy by evaluating not the best companies at World but the best companies to the world.

How did Sami get this label?

Today, more than 8,000 of us have been certified worldwide, and nearly 350 in France since the launch of the movement in France in 2014! But being part of this short list of companies with a positive impact (such as Patagonia, Danone, Back Market or Too Good To Go) is not so easy, and requires undergoing a demanding process.

Certification is subject to obtaining a minimum of 80 points on the B Corp™ questionnaire, the B Impact Assessment. This questionnaire is free and available to all companies. It allows you to quickly position yourself on the five pillars of CSR: governance, employees, the environment, the community, customers, and transparency requirements.

On average, companies that fill out the questionnaire have a score around 50 according to B Lab.

Once the questionnaire is completed and you are over 80, you can submit your application but patience is required since the deadlines are long, B Corp being a highly sought-after label. The announced B Corp deadline to pass the certification process is 18 months (as of November 9, 2023).

We followed an audit with an analyst from B Lab and we then obtained a score of 99.9 after reviewing the evidence given to our answers. This allowed us to pass the certification process with a high score - the average of certified companies is “only” 92 out of 200 points!

But this certification has a limited duration: after 3 years, certified companies are re-evaluated to ensure that they maintain and even improve their social and environmental performance.

To learn more about our certification, go here

Why did Sami decide to get certified?

Sami was created in 2020 with a mission: to increase the environmental action of companies tenfold. And our first value is to inspire by living up to our mission.

We are convinced that our strength lies in our business ethics in order to promote a Business as usual healthy, which promotes the protection of the environment and humans.

This label is a recognition of our daily commitment and our desire to have the best possible practices. We had already obtained the Positive Compagny© label with 3 stars (out of 3), a label made in France, very ambitious, which will directly question our stakeholders.

Being B Corp certified also allows you to join a community of committed businesses, which will lead other companies to get involved in turn!

Finally, beyond the buffer, it is a way for companies to implement their commitments and to continuously implement virtuous approaches, as well for all of our stakeholders! `

Becoming a B Corp... what next?

Being B Corp certified is not an end in itself, but proof of our commitment and the structuring of our CSR approach. We will therefore pursue our impact strategy and continue to participate in a more sustainable economy!

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