Manually estimate the impact of an action and assign tags

Arthur Bénard

Product Marketing Manager

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Some consultants had expressed the need to be able to apply their own hypotheses in estimating the impact of actions on reducing emissions. Here is what we developed:

Estimating the impact of a reduction action

It is now possible in the application to choose to estimate the impact of a reduction action by tons of CO2 rather than as a percentage:

- either at the time of adding an action in the action plan

- either later from the “Impact” tab on the action detail page.

This option is available for actions in the Sami catalog as well as for your custom actions.

Assign tags to an action

In addition, you can now assign tags to an action to specify a scope of application for it.

Finally, you can duplicate easy action from the list view, to assign a different tag to it.

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Estimez manuellement l'impact d'une action et attribuez-y des tags

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