Carbon accounting training

Learn how to measure company emissions effectively with a course that combines theory and practice!

🇫🇷 Get our training courses financed

Our Sami Academy training centre is Qualiopi certified.
Have our training courses financed by your OPCO or Pôle Emploi.

Our next training sessions

Nous proposons également des formats intra-entrepises ou sur-mesure pour cette formation.

Prix / apprenant
  • Session 1 : Mardi 1 avril - 14h à 17h30
  • Session 2 : Jeudi 3 avril - 14h à 17h
  • Session 3 : Mardi 8 avril 14h à 17h
  • Session 4 : Jeudi 10 avril - 14h à 17h
  • Session 5 : Mardi 15 avril 14h à 17h
  • Session 6 : Jeudi 17 avril 14h à 17h
2500€ EXCL. VAT

A programme of 6 sessions

Introduction to carbon accounting

3H30 of training

An initial session covering the basics of carbon accounting.

Understand the context and issues related to
climate change

Understanding why companies need to measure their emissions

Understanding the basis for calculating greenhouse gas emissions

What you will
learn in practice

Mapping a company's flows

Defining the scope of a company's analysis

Emissions factors
and data collection

3 hours of training

A session dedicated to mastering emissions factors and data collection.

Understanding and mastering methodological differences

Find emission factors according to different criterias

Understanding how to choose an emissions factor

Understand the steps involved in collecting data

What you will
learn in practice

Search for the most relevant EFs
a consolidated database.

Focus on
3 emissions items

3 hours of training

By the end of this session, you will have mastered the measurement of employee and premises emissions, as well as digital emissions.

Knowing how to measure employee emissions

Knowing how to measure emissions linked to premises

Knowing how to measure digital emissions

What you will learn
in practice

Analysing employee questionnaire responses

Analysing data from a "Premises" collector

Analyzing data from a “Digital” collector

Focus on
4 other emissions items

3 hours of training

By the end of this session, you will have mastered the measurement of emissions linked to services, investment and freight.

Knowing how to measure service-related emissions

Knowing how to measure waste and end-of-life emissions

Knowing how to measure emissions linked to investments

Knowing how to measure freight-related emissions

What you will learn
in practice

Knowing how to process a an Accounting File

Know how to analyse a transport flow database

How to count
product emissions

3 hours of training

In this fifth session, you will learn how to account for product emissions.

Understanding the difference between generic and specific approaches

Focus on LCAs in certain sectors

Ability to adapt to changing circumstances

What you will learn
in practice

Know how to process an input database

Know how to carry out first semi-specific LCA using dedicated tools

Everything you
need your first reviews

3 hours of training

Consolidating data, managing uncertainties, the credibility of a balance sheet and support for reporting. Everything you need to make your first reviews a success!

Consolidate the data collected (physical + monetary)

Managing the uncertainties in your balance sheets

Judging the credibility of a greenhouse gas balance sheet

Understanding the key elements of a presentation

What you will learn
in practice

Software data consolidation workshop

Analysing different carbon balances

Discover Romane's testimony

"The theoretical basis is there, the overall thinking around the carbon footprint is there, the understanding of the different items, the emission factors, etc... And then there's the whole practical dimension which was very important for me. We work on concrete cases, we go over them with the trainer, we correct them, we can ask questions, and that's what makes the difference."

Carbon accounting training
February 2024

Formez-vous à la comptabilité carbone avec votre CPF

Sami Academy et ISE se sont associés pour vous former à la gestion de projet de mesure des émissions d'une organisation.

We answer all your questions

What are the overall objectives of this course?

· Master the steps involved in measuring an organisation's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
· Be able to adapt to a variety of contexts.

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What is the main difference between our carbon accounting course and other courses on the market?

Where the majority of carbon accounting training courses stop at theoretical and generalist learning, our training includes 50% practice on different emissions categories.

Practical exercises are also carried out on our climate platform, which complies with the Bilan Carbone® methodology.

Our aim is to enable you to be totally autonomous in measuring the emissions of organizations by the end of this training course, whatever the solution you use following our training (software, Excel, etc.).

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What is the training format?

The training is carried out remotely (by video) live with our trainer

1. Live and 100% synchronous sessions with our trainers to go through the theory and work on practical cases.

2. Guided work sessions to be carried out individually

3. An exchange group on Slack to ask all your questions.
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What's the difference between carbon accounting training and climate strategy training?

Our carbon accounting training is the first module in our training offer. You'll be able to accurately measure an organization's emissions.

If you would like to go further in learning and implementing effective transition plans, we recommend our climate strategy training.

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How much does training cost?

As our training center is Qualiopi certified, all of our courses can be financed by your OPCO.

The price of our carbon accounting training is €2,500 excluding VAT.

The price of our climate strategy training is €2,000 excluding VAT.

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Will I be able to work independently with a company at the end of your training courses?

By combining theory and practice, our two courses will allow you to be completely autonomous on carbon accounting or climate strategy projects.

In addition to numerous concrete cases, our trainers will provide you with resources and tools in order to succeed in your future projects!

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I'm a novice, can I apply for your training courses?

Our two courses are completely accessible to novice people.

Our trainers will provide you with all the theoretical and practical bases!

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Do I need special equipment for the training courses?

In order to follow our two courses, you will only need to have a computer and stable internet communication in order to follow the videoconferences as well as to carry out the various practical cases.

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I have a disability. Can I attend one of your training courses?

In accordance with the regulations (law of 11 February 2005 and Articles D.5211-1 and following of the Labor Code), Sami Academy is committed to meeting the particular needs of trainees with disabilities by offering accommodations in terms of duration, pace, methods and teaching materials...).

If necessary, the training organization may mobilize external skills (Handicap Training Resource Center, P.A.S AGEFIPH-FIPHFP) and AD HOC resources (ACCEA, EPATECH, etc.) for the search for solutions allowing access to training courses.

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What are the valuation methods?

Before the training: the trainees will be invited to complete a questionnaire in order to know their expectations in relation to the training.

During the training: the realization of practical cases, as well as interactive quizzes, makes it possible to support the trainees in their progress.

At the end of the training: the trainees, the client and the funder will be invited to fill in a satisfaction questionnaire. Note that this training is not subject to a grade.

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How can I access the site?

Prior to contracting, an interview allows:

· to analyze needs in order to guide trainees towards the most appropriate training.
· to identify disability situations requiring adaptations.

The customer can:

· enroll employees in an inter-company training action whose dates are predefined in advance
· organize a training action dedicated to your company.

In both cases, the dates and times will be determined by mutual agreement between the customer and Sami Academy.

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